Apple says "Don't bar mount your iPhone"

We've known for a while now that the Apple iPhone 11 and 12 don't like high-frequency vibrations, the likes given off by motorcycle engines. and finally, now Apple has acknowledged it too.

In a service bulletin released on the 10th September 2021, Apple says "Exposing your iPhone to high amplitude vibrations within certain frequency ranges, specifically those generated by high-power motorcycle engines, can degrade the performance of the camera system."

Brands like Quadlock have known this for a while also, and that's why they released a vibration dampener, to go along with their bar phone mounts. but it seems now Apple has cottoned on also, maybe your phone won't be covered if it does die.
Heres the link to the full release by Apple.

We're not sure at this stage if some motorcycles are worse than others. There is circumstantial evidence to suggest that singles are worse than twins, triples, or 4 bangers. and possibly riding on dirt/gravel is worse than tarmac. That said, I have had an iPhone XR for about 3 years now, and it has traveled close to 80,000 kilometers on the bars of various bikes, in all conditions and all terrains. it's still fine. maybe there is something to be said for older tech?
Given the cost of these devices, its bets to be safe and keep it in your pocket for now.