Winter Riding Tips | Do you really have to ride?

This winter riding tip is brought to you by Protecta Insurance. They have your back even in the worst conditions. See for a quote today.

Some of us think we’re hard. And that means we will ride in anything, but do you seriously need to ride in a category 5 storm? If it's meant to snow, or it's been severely frosty overnight, do you really need to take the bike out? Or would a car be a better option?
If you are riding, Be mindful of black ice on shaded areas or on bridges. Ride in the car tracks if necessary. Delay an early start if possible.
Be mindful of wind gusts when riding through cities or hilly country. Keep your arms relaxed, and anticipate side winds. A larger windshield can help keep the wind off your body, and relieve pressure on your rear end, making riding more enjoyable.
Consider a Ride Forever course in the winter months. There is a lot to learn, and you don't know what you don't know.