Shiny Side Up 2022

Omicron is having its wicked way with most events across the country planned for 2022, which is sad really. We had an absolutely jam-packed calendar for the first 3 months of this year, and now.... well... let's just say we have a little time up our sleeves...

Shiny Side Up was planned to take place in March, with the Talk Series starting in Invercargill and making its way up the country with 11 locations over 4 weeks. There were no Bike Fest events planned for 2022, because they're such a mammoth undertaking, and there was always a risk of COVID popping up. And finally, there was an online event planned for April 10th.

There's good news and bad news. The bad news is, the talk series has had to be called off. I'm reliably informed the team fought this decision hard, but the call was made from the top, and the risk was just too high. Shame really, as the talk series always has a bunch of very knowledgeable people, and many nuggets of information can be picked up by riders of all backgrounds. Some things are still up in the air a little, we are hoping to speak with a few of the SSU Talk Series speakers, and share their stories on Kiwi Rider Podcast.

The one shining glimmer of hope is that at this stage the Online event will still be happening. So, lock in April 10th, and we'll see you online.

The Online event last year was an awesome day, full of interviews and talks from all manner of motorcyclists. The public had their chance to ask the hard questions of the panel of smart riders including representatives from NZ Police, MSAC, ACC, Rider Forever, and NZTA. There was an absolute mountain of giveaways, including a couple of Helite Airbag vests, Ride Forever courses, MTA gift vouchers, and motorcycle gear. So, expect more of the same for 2022, but with everything else being canceled... more of more.

Being an online event, we understand some of the older generations will not be interested, or there may be a technology hurdle, but we can't encourage you enough to get involved. We will share all the info as it is released, so hit that subscribe button, and let's make Shiny Side Up Online 2022 the biggest motorcycling event ever. Let's face it... it may be the only event for the year.