
The latest in motorcycling news.

Cardo Packtalk Custom Announced

Cardo Packtalk Custom Announced

Cardo has lead the way with helmet-mounted Bluetooth intercoms for a long time, but the one thing most people have said is that they're quite expensive. Cardo has tried to combat

Cardo Packtalk Neo - First Look

Cardo Packtalk Neo - First Look

The Cardo Packtalk Bold was the flagship offering from Cardo for years. it offered the greatest range for intercom, Bluetooth for turn-by-turn navigation, phone calls, and music. plus pretty good battery life. Around

Kawasaki ZX-25R To Finally Head To NZ

Kawasaki ZX-25R To Finally Head To NZ

After initially being announced back in 2020 as a 2021 model and disappearing without a trace, Kawasaki's 250cc inline 4-cylinder ZX-25R is finally heading to Kiwi dealerships. After the initial shipment

Arai XD-4 Helmet - Full Review

Arai XD-4 Helmet - Full Review

Since the untimely demise of my LS2 Pioneer Evo, I have been looking at new helmets. If you have the chance to look at what people are wearing, I think you would agree